Solar Energy – Its Worth It


We offer the latest in grid-tie , off-grid and a range of hybrid solar
inverters. All designed to maximise efficiency in your PV plant.

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What are Solar Inverters ?

An inverter serves the primary purpose of converting DC electricity in AC electricity. Your PV solar panels produce varying amounts of energy during the day. A Solar Inverter intelligently collects and distributes this energy. Not all inverters do the same thing and are generally split into 2 categories, On-Grid and Off-Grid (with Hybrids of each).

SolarXgen has a technology specialist team which will not only help in proposing the correct type of inverter for your project but will also update you as to the various technologies available in each category of inverter type.

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Found in most commercial and industrial PV solar installations. A grid tie inverter ties-in synchronously to your main incoming AC supply. The electricity consumed by your load is taken from both the PV solar inverter ( as primary ) as well as utility electricity ( secondary ).

A grid tied inverter does not include charge controllers ( required for batteries ) and as such can not connect to a battery source.

Off-grid inverters typically have a charge controller built into them ( hybrid inverter ) which will allow the inverter to operate in an island mode ( detached from utility ).

Off-grid inverters will typically be required if PV solar is used for generating electricity with battery storage or a generator for instances when there is utility power interruptions.

SolarXgen stocks and utilizes a wide range of inverters. Dollar and Euro price based, please confirm quotation validity