Inefficient Solar Systems – How to Avoid Them

2 Solar Systems look exactly the same , but one produces 30% more electricity. We often hear of systems that are producing way below what they should be. Why is this so?

Proffesional Installation

As the solar industry grows, so do the installation companies. Unfortunately, a solar system installation is not simply connecting PV panels to an inverter. Its a complex process, involving many underlying factors which affect performance. Trying to save on a system by having your “friend” install your system, can be costly in the long run.

inefficient solar systems - spot the diffence

The above image shows 2 systems with the same hardware. The one solar system outproduces the other by 30%. Over the lifetime of the system,  that would amount to massive differences. Why the difference?


The direction the PV panels face relative to the sun. Orientation plays a major effect on module output. Software simulations for differing orientations are vital. Zero degrees is not always the best solution, following building structures may allow for a greater sized array.


The angle at which the panels face the sun, plays a huge role on efficiency. Each locations sweet-spot differs from the next. A cost effective “flat mount” may result in far less output than a correctly inclined “ballasted” installation.

Module Spacing & Mounting

Temperature on and around panels affects performance. Butt-joined panels may look good but produce inefficient solar systems. Row and module spacing are significant factors when optimising output. Racking height versus roofing material also another important factor.

inefficient solar systems - system loss

Maximised Output – the essence of the system

Solar systems are not implemented to only look good. Maximising electricity produced is the primary factor in any solar system. Its about the best return on investment in the shortest pay-back period with the most guaranteed output.

A specialist approach

As solar power becomes more main-stream inefficient solar systems seem to be popping up everywhere. As with any investment, it is vital that the product your investing in comes with certain guarantees.Solar systems are no different (production guarantees are the most important).

Professional solar companies should always provide a production guarantee.

At SolarXgen we specialize in Residential and Commercial Solar Systems. Efficient Solar systems, with guaranteed output.